2. Submission Format

Since Juxtaposition publishes articles from a wide variety of disciplines, we accept articles in any format as long as the content is related to global health. Here are some suggested writing styles based on previously published articles.

Article Submissions:

INFORMATIVE: Informative articles are meant to disseminate knowledge about a particular global health issue. This could include the issue’s past history, current state, and future development. 

ARGUMENTATIVE: Argumentative articles try and persuade the reader into taking a specific stance on an issue. This could include advocacy about a particular global health movement or a critical discussion about where an issue is heading.

OPINION: Opinion articles are about your personal thoughts on a global health topic. These articles should have an element of critical examination and analysis.

INTERVIEW: Interview articles are about a current leader, academic, or contributor in the global health field. 

PROSE AND POETRY: Juxtaposition accepts creative writing submissions! If you want to submit a piece for Juxtaposition, please pitch the idea to juxtaposition.utoronto@gmail.com

Article Length:

All submissions must be between 1000-1750 words.