Suggested Themes

Looking for an interesting topic to write about? Here are some suggestions*:


*Art by Sarah Crawley for the Juxtaposition Magazine Issue 9.1.

Note: In the past, Juxtaposition did “Monthly Themes”. This has been discontinued for 2019, although we have a collection of topics to inspire you to write.

Please consider our themes as prompts only. We accept submissions even if it does not pertain to the theme. To learn more about our submissions guidelines, check out this page.

December 2015:


November 2015:

Racial Disparities in Healthcare - Call for Submissions

 October 2015:


August and September 2015:


July 2015:


June 2015:


February 2015:


January 2014:


November and December 2014:


This November, Juxta aims to explore the “continuum of care” from reproductive to maternal, newborn, and chid health.

Despite prioritizing maternal health as a Millenium Development Goal for 2015, progress towards reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health has been slow, and still today 289,000 women die from childbirth every year. This area has been identified as a priority area by the WHO and countries all over the world including Canada.

See the submissions page page for requirements

October 2014:

 Jamila (10) has Down Syndrome and lies on a floor mat in Hamlet Sidowayah, Sidoharjo Village, District Jambon, Ponorogo, East Java, Indonesia.

Mental health is an integral and often overlooked part of health. It is included in the WHO definition of health as the “state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity” but is often not addressed in practice. This October, Juxta aims to explore different topics in mental health including prevention, stigma, and the varying social responses around the world.
See the submissions page page for requirements

Photo:  Jamila (10) has Down Syndrome and lies on a floor mat in Hamlet Sidowayah, Sidoharjo Village, District Jambon, Ponorogo, East Java, Indonesia. © 2013 Jefri Tarigan, Courtesy of Photoshare

September 2014:


This month we want to hear about your global health experiences. Do you have experience working with a health NGO? Interning with a government or organization? Conducting your own research on health outcomes? These can be experiences in a local health centre to research projects in another country.

See the JuxtaLife page for submission requirements

Photo by Sundaram Ramaswamy | Flickr | CC BY 2.0

August 2014:

Call for submission poster [Auguest]

The history of HIV/AIDS is closely linked with the evolution of global health. Lessons learned from the HIV epidemic have challenged traditional boundaries of research and have contributed to establishment of new standards for research with marginalized communities. This Month, in celebration of 20th AIDS conference, Juxta aims to explore different topics in HIV/AIDS including prevention, treatment, law, ethics, and stigma.

For a sample article on this month’s theme, check out Antiretrovirals and Neo-Colonialism

July 2014:

Call for submission poster

Health and politics are closely connected. This month, Juxta aims to display this critical link between the health of a society and its political institutions. Trade and economic polices, sustainable resource allocations, and ethical prioritization of healthcare are all important issues that fall under the theme of health and politics.

For a sample article on this month’s theme, check out Global Health Diplomacy.